Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he yelled.

Then I heard Georgia. "Nothing," she said. "I just wanted to—"

"I'm watching that! Don't change the channel."

"But you were sleeping!"

"No buts!" he yelled. "You can watch the game with me, or you can get out of here. What's it going to be?" A second later I heard footsteps, and then Georgia's bedroom door slammed.

At home, things are really different for Rafe. There, Bear has all the power. He totally hogs the remote control—even when he's asleep. Rafe hates it, but what can he do? He's powerless to stop his future stepfather/current stepbully.

Quote #5

He bent down and picked up something off the floor. It was my Operation R.A.F.E. notebook! I hadn't even realized it had come out of my backpack— until then.

"It's nothing," I said. "Give it back."

Miller already had it open to the first page. "Operation R.A.F.E.?" he said. "What are you? Six years old?"

"I told you, it's nothing," I said. I reached, but he pulled away.

"If it's nothing, why do you look like you're going to wet your pants?" Miller said.

I couldn't believe this was happening. This was supposed to be Normal, Day 1, and all of a sudden it was more like Worst Nightmare, Part 13.

Miller was flipping through the pages, looking at everything I'd written, and smiling like he'd just found a box of money. (35.15-21)

Miller the Killer strikes again. Seriously, this kid does not quit. The one thing Rafe does not want him to get his hands on is his notebook and Miller takes it. Rafe is pretty much powerless to get it back. He has to do what Miller says, which means paying to get the book back one page at a time.

Quote #6

"Watch your mouth, Squirt."

"That's another thing," I said. "Don't call me Squirt."

"Don't tell me what to do," Bear growled. "Squirt."

How much do you want to bet that Miller grows up to be just like Bear one day? The kid is totally going to be a jerky stepdad in a Chicago Bears sweatshirt about twenty years from now.