Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"So here's the deal," Miller said. "New year, new price. It's a dollar fifty a page from now on. And if you're lucky, I won't show your girlfriend Jeanne Galletta how you like to draw little pictures of her all the time. Got it?"

He didn't wait for an answer, though. He just pushed me straight down, hard enough for a full face-plant in front of everyone.

"Watch your step, Picasso," he said. (45.4-6)

Miller isn't content just to get his money and be done with Rafe—no, he has to read through his notebook and threaten him. And push him, too. Is it any wonder that Rafe gets in a fight with Miller?

Quote #8

"Rafe Khatchadorian, what in heaven's name is that supposed to be? Take it off immediately!"

I did, but when I handed it over to her, something totally unexpected happened. She looked down at the mask (it was just a piece of paper with a string, really), and her face started getting all weird. Her eyes squinched up. Her cheeks got kind of twitchy. At first I thought something was wrong, but then she just burst our laughing.

This is just a cute little moment when the power dynamic between Rafe and Mrs. Stricker shifts. Usually Mrs. Stricker is this buttoned up teacher who's always telling Rafe how to behave. Here, she sees his mask and bursts out laughing. Rafe is kind of proud of himself for catching her in an actual human moment. Maybe Sergeant Stricker isn't so bad after all?

Quote #9

It wasn't like I expected people to actually buy this idea, that Miller was any kind of chicken, killer or otherwise. Still, I had a feeling the nickname was going to stick for a while.

That took care of the offense part of my plan. Now it was time to switch to defense.

I hadn't laid eyes on Miller since homeroom, but it didn't take a genius to know I'd be at the top of his suspect list. In fact, he was probably looking for me right then. (55.2-4)

Rafe finally gets some revenge on Miller (even if it's only a little bit). He hangs up his "Miller the Killer Chicken" posters all around school, but Miller comes after Rafe anyway. Luckily, Rafe's a whole lot smarter than Miller, so he manages to worm his way out of it. Basically, he learns that the only power Miller has over him is brute strength. Brains? Not so much.