Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Lizard King runs up the wall and across the ceiling. He hangs there, upside down, ready to deliver my sentence.

"Three rounds in the detention chamber with the Dragon Lady!" he yells. "Or until someone ends up dead, whichever comes first!"

The Lizard King is the school principal, Mr. Dwight, and he slithers around his office passing out detentions and trying to slurp up Rafe. Truly terrifying.

Quote #8

Sergeant Stricker leans in close. I can see her face now, and the long, jagged scar down her cheek. They say she used to do cage fighting before she worked here.

"Listen up, kid. I'm on your side," she says, like I'm supposed to believe that. "I just want you to live up to your potential, that's all."

Who else would you find in a maximum-security prison but the evil Sergeant Stricker? We seriously doubt this bad cop is on Rafe's side. She just wants to lock him up in juvie for good.

Quote #9

I turned thirteen in that room. Winter ended, and then spring came and went. Wars happened. Trees grew. Babies were born and people died. (50.3)

We'll take Rafe's word for it that in-school suspensions are super boring. Here he's using a whole lot of hyperbole to get his point across, but we get it. It was a long day in the Box.