Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Rafe also had a twin brother."

Now I just wanted her to stop talking, but of course she didn't. She kept going.

"His name was Leonardo," she said.

"For Leonardo da Vinci?" Donatello asked.

"That's right. Unfortunately, Leo died very young," Mom said. "He got sick with meningitis when the boys were just three, and we lost him."

Donatello put a hand on Mom's shoulder. Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Stricker looked like they didn't know what to say.

"It was a long time ago," Mom said, looking at me now. "But even so, Leo's still with us in spirit. Isn't that right, Rafe?"

I just nodded. It was true, after all. (73.14-21)

The truth about Leo comes out finally. This explains why Rafe is so attached to him and why Mom doesn't mind that he still hangs around. Leo is Rafe's twin brother. It seems natural that Rafe would lean on his memory in times of trouble. He'll always be a part of Rafe's life—even if he's not an imaginary friend anymore.