Pedro Páramo Revenge Quotes

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Quote #4

"What did they do to him?" he shouted.

He was expecting to hear "They killed him." And he felt the stirrings of rage forming hard lumps of rancor; instead he heard Fulgor Sedano's soft voice saying:

"No one did anything to him. He met his death alone." (39.14-16)

When Pedro finds out that Miguel is dead, the only emotional response he can muster is anger. After hearing that there is no one to take revenge against, he seems not to be able to feel anything else.

Quote #5

He walked to the Media Luna and offered his condolences to Pedro Páramo. Again he listened to his excuses for the charges made against his son. He let Pedro Páramo talk. None of it mattered, after all. On the other hand, he did decline his invitation to eat. (40.67)

Father Rentería's puny attempt to get revenge on Miguel is totally ruined, as he accepts money in exchange for pardoning his soul. He seems more pathetic as he tells himself that refusing to eat at Pedro's house is a tiny form of revenge.

Quote #6

"Pedro Páramo slaughtered so many folks after his father was murdered that he killed nearly everybody who attended that wedding. Don Lucas Páramo was supposed to give the bride away. And it was really by accident that he died, because it was the bridegroom someone had a grudge against. And since they never found out who fired the bullet that struck him down, Pedro Páramo wiped out the lot." (42.24)

This massacre is Pedro's attempt to avenge his father's death, and most people seem to excuse him for it, since he was justified in his revenge. So going Rambo on a wedding is acceptable in the world of Pedro Páramo, as long as your father was recently murdered.