Pedro Páramo The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Have you ever heard the moan of a dead man?" she asked me.

"No, Doña Eduviges."

"You're lucky." (11.28-30)

This statement foreshadows the fact that very soon Juan will be hearing all the moans and groans of dead people that he could imagine. He should have packed his earplugs.

Quote #5

"They're saying that his spirit is wandering over there. They've seen it rapping at the window of a lady friend. It was just like him. Chaps and all." (15.8)

This quote shows that Eduviges isn't the only one who's seen Miguel, and that his appearances are accepted fact in Comala. That boy gets around—in chaps, no less.

Quote #6

"It may be some echo trapped in here. A long time ago they hanged Toribio Aldrete in this room. Then they locked the door and left him to turn to leather. So he would never find rest. I don't know how you got in, when there isn't any key to open this door." (17.17)

The violence people do to each other in Comala has a supernatural dimension—they make sure that even the souls of the victims will suffer, not just their living selves.