Perfect Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I wait for some sign of sadness. But Sean responds/instead with a quick jab of anger. Stupid/bitch. He takes a deep breath. If she hadn't/gone all New Agey, she wouldn't be dead. (5.50)

Sometimes it's easier to tap into anger than sadness, which we see Sean doing here over his mother's death.

Quote #8

Because Cara's Mom/reminds me of crystal --/all sparkly and beautiful/distraction while it carves/you clear to the bone. She/is a don't-turn-your-back-/on-her kind of woman. (7.34-35)

Distraction is another kind of denial, and not liking who you are can cause you to become consumed with fooling other people. The thing is, when they turn their backs on you, you're alone with yourself.

Quote #9

Daddy pretty much/pretends we don't even exist anymore. (10.52)

And look: another kind of denial. Kendra and Jenna take it personally, but the truth is that people often ignore other people because they can't deal with what they themselves have done. If someone's ignoring you when you haven't done anything wrong, it's usually way more about them than it is about you.