Perfect Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Hard enough coming to terms/with the label "lesbian," without/somehow having to prove that you/are "lesbian enough." (33.23-24)

Dani's friends might be comfortable in their sexuality, but they still have their own standards of appearance. Even around them, there's still pressure to be a certain kind of perfect.

Quote #8

I mean, most/people at school are fairly tolerant/toward the GLBTQ crowd. But you/don't vote for them for class presidents/or homecoming princesses. (42.13-15)

This is another way societal expectations come into play. What would your friends think if you didn't vote like they did?

Quote #9

So that's the dancer? What do/you see in him?/Aren't all guy dancers, like, gay? (44.62)

Jenna's friends might be ignorant, but at least she's not afraid to tell them her boyfriend's a dancer. She genuinely doesn't seem to care what other people think of her. Even though she's got some serious problems, this is one way she's more self-assured than the other characters in the book.