Please Ignore Vera Dietz Part 1, Chapter 15 Summary

Friday—Four to Close

  • Back at work again, Vera passes by James who's sitting in his car; she wonders if he has a crush on her, too. Maybe the age difference doesn't matter so much because she's mature and has a full-time job.
  • When Vera is in the car, Charlie tries to make her do things, like drive to Zimmerman's and play loud music.
  • She thinks about how Charlie was always a rebel in life, and that's why he fell in with the Detentionheads.
  • She also thinks back to last April Fool's Day, when Jenny Flick told Charlie that Vera had been spreading rumors behind his back.
  • They were at the pagoda when he came up to her furious, telling her that he knew she was the one who told people that his dad beat his mom.
  • It was obviously Jenny Flick who spread the rumors, but Charlie wouldn't believe her, and Vera figured that Charlie would someday come to his senses… but she didn't know what was coming in the future.