Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Scene 27 Summary

  • Kruge wonders why the Enterprise hasn't finished them off when a message for truce comes in from Kirk.
  • Kirk's message declares the Klingon presence as an act of war and demands they surrender or he'll destroy them. Kruge sees through the bluff and realizes the Enterprise is more damaged then he thought.
  • Kruge responses. He demands Kirk surrender immediately and threatens to kill one of the prisoners on the planet if he does not.
  • Kirk learns the prisoners are Saavik, David, and Spock. They inform Kirk that Genesis is unstable.
  • To show Kirk that he means business, Kurge orders one of the prisoners killed.
  • A Klingon goes to execute Saavik, but David interferes. He is killed in the scuffle.
  • Saavik informs Kirk that David is dead. Kirk is distraught at the news of his son's death.