Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Scene 32 Summary

  • Kirk grabs Spock and the communicator. The only Klingon he knows is "Beam me up, Scotty." Lucky for him, it works.
  • McCoy takes care of Spock. Kirk offers Maltz a choice: Help us or die. Maltz says he doesn't deserve to live, so Kirk promises to kill him later.
  • The Klingon Bird-of-Prey makes a daring, last-minute escape from Genesis while Kirk bids farewell to his son.
  • Chekov goes to take Maltz to the brig, but Maltz complains that he was told he'd be killed. Kirk admits he lied.
  • McCoy demands Spock tell him what to do with the Vulcan's katra, but with Genesis destroyed, shouldn't Spock be dead, too?
  • McCoy admits to missing Spock.