Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“Who could do that to a child?” (38.1)

Grace's mother is very sympathetic toward Sam's past trauma. Now we see where Grace gets it from. Of course, Grace's mother almost cancels it out by saying Sam could go psychotic, but a bit of compassion is better than none, right?

Quote #5

I should have been angry. Furious at having my life ripped away from me. But there was just white noise inside me, a dull hum of nothingness. (44.40)

This is Sam's reaction to the realization that Beck turned him into a werewolf on purpose. Any other wolf might have gone into a violent rage over this, but Sam is fairly peaceful about it. We're not sure if this is forgiveness or just numbness.

Quote #6

“I want to know everything about you. It can't be that hard to understand.” (46.10)

Again, we see Grace's compassion. She's not doing this because she's a nosy girlfriend. She's asking to meet Beck, Sam's father figure, because she really wants to understand where he comes from.