Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

“I wished with all my heart that [Sam] was just a normal boy, so that I could storm away with my pride and indignation. But he wasn't. He was as fragile as a butterfly in autumn, waiting to be destroyed by the first frost. (46.29)

This is Grace's thought process after an argument with Sam. She gets over it quickly, but doesn't it seem like Grace only forgives Sam because he's a fragile werewolf? Would they still be fighting if he were a human boy?

Quote #8

“Beck didn't have to do what he did. My parents did. They thought I was a monster. They were afraid.” (46.34)

This chapter is chock-full of forgiveness. It's incredible that Sam is able to forgive his parents after they tried to kill him. But he still hasn't yet grasped Beck's point of view on the situation. Beck felt he did have to do what he did, both for Sam and for the the good of the pack.

Quote #9

“[Sam] puked all over the carpet. But that's okay because I like having my parents pissed at me.” (51.3)

This is about the biggest admittance of 'forgiveness' we're going to get out of Isabel. She may joke about it, but we get the feeling she really does care about Sam.