Family Quotes in Shiver

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“Beck's like a father to me.” It sounded weird to say it like that, even if it was true. (21.15)

We're not sure why it sounds weird for Sam to say this, because it's exactly true. Beck has practically raised Sam for eleven years, so of course he's like a father.

Quote #5

I was wondering what Dad would do if he knew about Sam. (23.35)

When Grace finds out that her Dad was one of the hunters in the woods, the revelation plants a seed of distrust in her. She's already not close to her parents, but this little crack in their trust drives her further away from them.

Quote #6

“It's about who you are. It's about you being one of us.” (24.47)

Seeing how Sam doesn't really feel comfortable being a wolf, it's a little ironic that he wants Grace to be one so bad. But it would make things lonely for him. The best part of being a wolf, for Sam, is the human connection that feels like family.