Sideways Stories From Wayside School Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Oh, well, it didn't work," said Mrs. Jewls. "At least we tried. Now I guess we'll have to cut your pants off." (12.35)

When Jason is stuck to a chair by Joy's giant wad of gum, everyone has a different solution for how to free him. Mrs. Jewls, the only adult in the room, comes up with this hilarious (and very silly) idea.

Quote #5

"Oh, this is silly," said Rondi. "Everybody thinks the teeth I don't have are cute. I'm not wearing a coat. Don't you all just love my coat? And what about my third arm? I don't have one. Isn't it lovely?" (13.9)

Poor Rondi is tormented by classmates and adults who fawn over her missing teeth as if they really exist. Finally she snaps and delivers this sarcastic rant. Of course, the silliness comes right back into play when her classmates take her literally.

Quote #6

Rondi slapped herself in the face to make sure she was really there. She was. (13.34)

Can you picture this happening? This is a great example of Sachar's hilarious comic timing. Here Rondi is playing "straight man" while the rest of her classmates laugh at the joke she doesn't tell.