Sideways Stories From Wayside School Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Just before recess, Deedee smeared the cream cheese and jelly all over her face. Then she stuffed her mouth with nuts and hung shredded cheese from her nose. When she closed her eyes, she looked just like a dead rat. (15.35)

Don't you love this strategy for how to look like a dead rat? Deedee's pretty creative, isn't she? This is definitely the silliest thing to do with your lunch, ever.

Quote #8

John placed a pillow on top of her desk. Then he looked under the desk, but he couldn't find the Tootsie Rolls anywhere. (17.28)

After John finally stands on his head, he discovers that although his reading ability is fixed, his sense of up and down is kind of muddled. This is the silly punch line to John's mixed-up story.

Quote #9

"Okay, class," said Mrs. Jewls. "So that we have no more mix-ups, I want everyone to write his name on his pencil."

Dameon spent the rest of the day trying to write his name on his pencil.

Dameon's pencil couldn't write on itself. (24.52-54)

Can you think of anything more foolish than asking kids to write their names on their pencils by using the pencils themselves? Doesn't make a lot of sense, does it?