How It All Goes Down
- Alec and Mark decide to investigate, so they march through the woods as quietly as they can.
- The singing doesn't stop. Oh, and there's a huge fire where everyone's singing.
- Alec confirms that there are about four to five crazy people jumping around the fire like they're trying to summon a spirit.
- Just as they're about to move closer, a woman shouts "Who's up there?" (23.22).
- She then reassures Mark and Alec that they mean no harm. They just want to invite them to the party.
- Er, right.
- A man and a woman approach Mark and Alec and invite them to join the dancing and singing. They decline, and then Mark asks them why they left Deedee behind.
- Ooh, wrong question. The woman gets angry and orders that Mark and Alec be seized.
- Before they can do anything, Alec and Mark are tied up with ropes being dragged toward the fire.