How It All Goes Down
- The Toad announces that the sound is a Berg. Mark hasn't seen a Berg since the sun-flares happened.
- Misty wonders if the Berg is there to rescue everyone, but Darnell seems doubtful.
- Alec adds that the ones that drop off supplies in Asheville (North Carolina) have PFC (Post-Flares Coalition) painted on the sides. But this one doesn't have anything painted on it.
- The Berg then lowers and lands. A ramp opens up and mist sprays from the gap.
- A huge crowd is now watching the Berg as it opens up. They've all been so desperate that this appearance could be the answer to their prayers.
- Finally, five people in green, rubbery suits walk out from the ramp—each one of them holding a black tube in their hands like a gun.
- Hmm, let's hope food sprays out of these tubes…
- Suddenly, they aim the tubes at the people, prompting Alec to freak out and push people to get them out of the way.
- The people from the Berg start firing darts out of the tubes; one striking Darnell right in the shoulder.
- Moral of the story? If a stranger in a green suit points a large black tube at you, run.