How It All Goes Down
- And we're back in Mark's awful, awful memories—he's in a conference room in the Lincoln Building.
- He's been living off of vending machine food the past few weeks. At first it sounded fun, but now he just feels disgusting.
- He and Trina have grown closer too, which is at least a little consolation for the whole sun-flares problem.
- Baxter shows up and tells him there's a boat heading down Broadway. Remember, the streets are overflowed with water, so that's the only way they're able to travel.
- Mark runs down to the fifth floor where everyone else is, and he sees a big yacht out on the water.
- Alec assumes the people in the boat are scavenging buildings in the area. By now, they've probably seen them already.
- A man then appears on the deck holding a huge gun, pointing it right at everyone.
- Another person then appears: a woman with a shaved head.
- The man tells everyone to put their hands in the air. Everyone does but Alec, prompting the man to get angry.
- Alec then does what he's told, slowly raising his hands to the air.
- Suddenly, the man goes a bit crazy, jerking his weapon to the side and shooting three quick rounds.
- They tear right into Baxter's chest, knocking him back and killing him instantly.
- Well, that's how Baxter dies. Good thing we were prepared for his death, seeing as how he wasn't with the group when the Bergs attacked the main characters' settlement.