The Scorpio Races Chapter 26 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • Puck and Sean meet at the cliffs. When Puck gets there, Sean is already there riding Corr. 
  • She observes, "Sean rides bareback, the most dangerous way of all. Skin to skin, pulse to pulse" (26.5). It sounds fun kids, but don't ride bareback—safety first.
  • The point of view switches to Sean's mid-chapter. He addresses Puck as Kate, but she tells him that some people call her Puck.
  • He finds her pretty feisty, and he agrees when she pushes to race her while she rides Dove. 
  • Sean races the mare he was going to give Puck. It doesn't go well—the mare craves the sea and jumps off a cliff to get there. 
  • Kate wins by default, and she tells Sean, "Call me Puck" (27.76).