The Scorpio Races Chapter 37 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • Finn and Puck have a picnic and worry about what's going to happen to them after Gabe leaves and they lose the house.
  • As if that weren't scary enough, they hear the sound of hooves outside. It's not the headless horseman… it's a bloodthirsty capall. 
  • They hide under a blanket of hay, while Dove stands still. Maybe the capall will mistake her for a statue.
  • A screeching sound outside the tent draws the water horse away. It's Puffin, the beloved cat whom we've never heard of until chapter 37.
  • Finn is upset that Puffin is about to become Meow Mix, but before he has time to do anything about it, Gabe shows up.
  • They pile into Tommy Falk's car and ride away, leading Dove by the reins through the passenger-side window.