Things Not Seen Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Things Not Seen? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why is Bobby's dad excited when he finds out that his son is invisible?

He wants to know the scientific cause.
He's never liked looking at him anyway.
He's always resented that Bobby looked more like his mom.
Because invisibility is cool. Duh.
Q. What does Bobby accidentally say the first time he runs into Alicia?

That she's got a big butt
That she stinks
That he's invisible
That he'll see her around
Q. Why is Bobby upset with his parents on the day that he turns invisible?

They don't believe him.
They make him go to school.
They leave him at home all alone.
They drag him to see a specialist.
Q. What is Aunt Ethel's reaction when Bobby's mom tells her about his invisibility?

She faints dead away.
She just remarks that it's interesting.
She says that she's flying to see them right away.
She hangs up the phone.
Q. What does Sheila say when Bobby tells him that he's found a cure for their invisibility?

She says that she doesn't want to change.
She tells him to send her the blanket right away.
She starts crying.
She calls him a dirty lying rat.