Three Times Lucky Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There is nothing common about knowledge," she replied. "The fact that I haven't driven doesn't mean that I can't. Now," she said, tilting her head. "This vehicle is new to me. Where is the ignition?" (13.12)

Everyone knows that Miss Lana cannot drive and has never driven, but she's not willing to let that fact define her. Instead she gets into the Thunderbird and immediately starts careening down the road, almost crashing into everything she meets.

Quote #5

Miss Rose looked at Dale. "Baby?"

Dale squared his shoulders. "Don't call me baby," he said, and held out his hands. (13.120-121)

Dale may be considered the baby of Miss Rose's family, but he's not going to let that label follow him forever. When he agrees to be handcuffed and led away from the crime scene, he shrugs off that nickname. He's not a baby anymore.

Quote #6

Strange? The Colonel? That wasn't exactly a news flash. "Strange, how?" I asked.

"Well, he called me baby, for one thing."

"Baby? He never calls you baby."

"And he called you Moses, for another." (17.78-81)

How odd. When the Colonel calls home after disappearing following Mr. Jesse's death, he doesn't sound like himself. The difference in the way he talks is what tips Miss Lana and Mo off to something being terribly wrong.