Three Times Lucky Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

That's how Macon found us the next day—me unconscious on half a billboard, you nestled in my arms, nursing on the pocket of my uniform. The half billboard said: "…Café…. Proprietor." Our path seemed clear. (20.49)

Everything that the Colonel has become in Tupelo Landing came about through happenstance. After he lost his memory, he chose his next occupation based off of something totally random—the billboard that Mo floated in on.

Quote #8

I looked Mr. Macon in the eye. "Maybe she did throw me away and maybe she didn't," I said. "But if she did, she only did it once. You throw your people away every day that rolls around, and it sure ain't because something's wrong with them." (26.59)

Mo's not going to let Mr. Macon tell her that she's a piece of trash that her parents threw away. She knows that he's more of a piece of garbage than she'll ever be because he throws his perfectly nice family away all the time.

Quote #9

"You're taking those kids with you? You're all crazy," Mr. Macon snarled as Dale trotted to his room for rain slickers. "That boy's a coward. He ain't going to be nothing but in the way."

The Colonel shook his head. "A coward? Dale's already twice the man you'll ever be," he said, slipping the pistol in his pack. (27.34-35)

Mr. Macon just won't stop making the mistake of underestimating his son and calling him a coward. Dale's turned a gun on him and tied him up, and Mr. Macon still can't see that he's a brave kid.