What Happened to Goodbye Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Now, though, like everything else was since the divorce, the beach would be different. And the truth was, those weekends, spontaneous and shabby, were some of the best times I'd had with my mom before everything fell apart. (4.93)

By leaving Mclean and her dad for another man, Mclean's mom has pretty much tainted all their good memories. Even all those lovely beach trips are forever screwed up in Mclean's mind—especially if her mom insists on dragging her out for more of them.

Quote #5

I must have seemed like a stranger to her, I realized, when she saw me like this. In a town she didn't know, with people she'd never met, and both of us wading through this limbo world between what we'd been and what we might be. (7.107)

How weird is it that Mclean's mom pretty much knows nothing about her daughter's new life? She has no idea who her friends are, or what she likes to do at school—and that's all because their family has been torn apart.

Quote #6

"Sure," I said. "When you move a lot, you don't have a lot of entanglements. There's not really time to get all caught up in things. It's simpler." (8.265)

Boy, Mclean's not the best when it comes to flirting with a boy that she likes. She tries to scare Dave off with her whole I-don't-do-entanglements party line, but he's persistent.