What Happened to Goodbye Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"He didn't take me away." My voice was rising now. She'd fumbled around, poking and prodding, and now she'd found it, that one button that could not be unpushed. I'd changed? Please. "That was my choice. You made choices, too. Remember?" (9.43)

The truth comes out: Mclean's not avoiding her mom because she's a moody, mean teenager, she's avoiding her because she's still hurt and upset about her mom walking out on their family. That seems like a reasonable excuse to hold a grudge.

Quote #8

"Why can't she just leave me alone?" My voice was breaking now, the tears audible if not visible yet. "Jesus. Hasn't she gotten enough?" (10.74)

Mclean's mom has already walked out on their family—and as far as Mclean's concerned, she should just leave them alone for good. She's betrayed them, so why does she keep trying to come around and hang out with Mclean?

Quote #9

All that was clear was that everything, including me, suddenly felt wholly temporary. I looked down at the model again. There, the entire world was simple in miniature, clean and orderly, if only because there were none of us, no people, there to complicate things. (12.111)

Just when Mclean is starting to get her bearings in a place, her dad goes ahead and insinuates that they might be moving again. She doesn't want to be the one to pick up and leave this time, though.