What I Saw and How I Lied Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There's more than one road. This place is busting to develop. I'm sick of Queens—I've lived there all my life. Look at all the servicemen here, getting a taste of sunshine and orange juice. You think they want to head back home after this? Come on, sweetheart. Can't you see us here?" (13.34)

Coming back from the war isn't enough; going on vacation to Palm Beach isn't enough; owning several appliances stores isn't even enough. Joe wants to make it big, and he thinks that owning a hotel is his ticket to riches.

Quote #5

She married a guy who delivered soda and pumped gas for a living and now he owned three stores. We'd been scroungers, too, all our lives, saving up for new shoes, sewing ruffles on the hems of my dresses when they got too short to wear. Now here we were sitting in a suite in Palm Beach. All because of Joe. (13.36)

Evie just doesn't get why her mom isn't more impressed by Joe. He obviously knows how to climb the ladder; after all, he started off penniless and now is a successful businessman. But of course, she doesn't know yet the lengths that Joe will go to in the name of personal success.

Quote #6

"So you stole it." I thought I wanted to know everything. But I didn't want to hear this. (20.46)

Joe and Peter are two of the most important men in Evie's life, and she doesn't want to think of them as anything but flawless, good people. It's hard for her to listen to how they stole money from Jews affected by the war.