How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
So Joe had the cash, all the time. He could have paid Peter, and he didn't. He wanted his dream house instead. He wouldn't give that up. (28.81)
It wasn't even like Joe didn't have the money to pay Peter off—that's the hard thing for Evie to wrap her mind around. He ended up killing an innocent man because he didn't want to give up that last eight grand. Was it worth it?
Quote #8
With every exclamation, he shook her again. "And I'm going to buy us a house, and we're going to live and be happy. That's what's going to happen!" (32.24)
Even when everything is going down the drain and Joe is under investigation for murder, he refuses to give up his dream. When they get out of this mess, he expects them all to go home and live like one happy, well-off family.
Quote #9
He'd wanted success so badly that he'd stolen and he'd lied. How bad did he want to keep it? (32.63)
Evie doesn't even know who to believe anymore. She doesn't want to think that Joe could kill someone, but then she also is starting to see how consumed he is by his desire to be successful and rich.