How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
I looked around the parking lot. Her car wasn't there. I was about to tell Joe, but I realized he'd already noticed. Still, we sat in the car, staring at the wet grass, until every last golfer left the course and the thunder boomed. (17.10)
Uh-oh. Bev told Evie and Joe that she was going to play golf, but it turns out that she's nowhere to be seen when they arrive at the golf course. Where could she possibly be? Is she keeping a secret life from them?
Quote #5
"You say I'm good. I don't need good. I need to know things. I need to know why Joe drinks so much, and why he hates you. Why he wants to move here. Why he wants to get away." (20.29)
Evie doesn't like the amount of lies piling up around her. She's sick of it, and she wants to know the truth about Peter's relationship—and past—with Joe. She's not an oblivious little kid anymore; she knows that something is going on beneath the surface.
Quote #6
"I'm not going to tell Joe," she said.
I looked at her, surprised.
"This will have to be our secret. And it can't happen again. It's already gone too far." (20.118-120)
After Bev catches Evie making out hot-and-heavy with Peter Coleridge, she tells her that as long as it stops now, she won't tell Joe. Is Bev giving her daughter a break, or is she protecting her own indiscretions?