How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Mom," I gulped in air so I could get the question out. "What really happened? Tell me. What happened on the boat?"
She rolled away from me. "Just what we said, baby. Now go to sleep." (26.35-36)
Even though Evie wants to believe her parents, things aren't completely adding up when it comes to Peter's death. After all, he was a great sailor and knew how to swim like no one's business. So why would he be the one to fall overboard and drown?
Quote #8
"So, if you don't remember something clearly, like who said what, then maybe it's better to say you don't remember at all," Mom said. "Understand?"
I did understand. "You want me to lie," I said. (27.25-26)
Growing up somehow also means that Evie has to lie in order to keep her parents safe. She doesn't get to hide behind her childhood innocence and goodness anymore; they're going to taint her with the burden of deception.
Quote #9
All that time it had been him and her, not him and me.
The world went white for just an instant. Then pain roared in. With all the lies around me, this was the worst. This was the one I couldn't stomach. (29.22-23)
Evie already resents her parents for lying to her about the boating accident, but she can't believe that her mother would lie to her about an affair with Peter. All this time, they've played her for a fool and she's been the cover for their illicit dealings—all while thinking that she's the one that Peter is interested in.