The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I have a project for my Cities class," Frankie lied […] She was astonished at how easy it was to invent a plausible answer. (28.19)

Frankie can lie her way out of a situation, too. It's a bit scary how easy it comes to her here. But then again, once you tell one lie, it can require you to tell a bunch more. And if Frankie lies enough, it'll become second nature after awhile.

Quote #5

She should have known this would happen. How had she not foreseen? Alpha was taking credit. (34.33-34)

In order to retain his role as top dog, Alpha pretends that he was the one behind all these pranks after all. Because, you know, he's still got to keep that illusion of control. This lie strikes us as sadder than a lot of the lies that have come before. Alpha is clearly in over his head here, and we know it'll all come crashing down eventually.

Quote #6

It was only the panopticon that was making her feel so paranoid, she said to herself. That, and the guilt of systematically lying to her boyfriend since the day she had first followed him. (36.6)

Even though she justifies it in her head, Frankie still feels kind of bad about lying to Matthew. But we guess he's lying to her as well, so it's all fair game. Wait. That doesn't sound right.