The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And Frankie thought: He won't even be able to call anyone. Incommunicado for four days. (31.15)

With Alpha gone, the dogs will be in disorder and Frankie will have her moment to insert herself into the equation. Now she can start making the rules.

Quote #8

Like Cacophonists, the Caltech students critique a time-honored institution (the university) by breaking its unwritten rules: you must wear clothes, you must honor your teachers, you must not attack fellow students' dorm rooms with chain saws. (32.11)

Those crazy Caltech students. The history of protest is obviously something that Frankie takes very seriously in her studies. Talk about applying what you've learned to real life.

Quote #9

The Guppy respectfully requests that school assemblies be henceforth held in the auditorium of the new arts complex. (40.18)

Frankie's pranks aren't just a silly attempt to mess with the school administration; they actually challenge the rules that she finds ridiculous. What's amazing is how effective some of them are. Frankie actually gets what she wants. We just wonder if the administration and the student body understand the overall message.