The Count of Monte Cristo Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Does the Count succeed in taking his revenge? Is he happy at the end of the novel? When does he decide to stop taking revenge on his enemies, and why does he do so?
  2. How is the Count at the end of the novel similar or different from Edmond Dantès at the beginning of the novel?
  3. What's the deal with The Count and women? He freely admits that Haydée is his slave, and he claims to have seraglios (harems) all over the world. Does this affect our perception of him?
  4. Valentine de Villefort is pretty much the perfect daughter and fiancée. She loves her family, especially her grandfather, and Maximilian Morrel; she would do anything for them. Should we applaud her behavior? How does her behavior compare to that of Eugénie Danglars's? How are these two women different or similar?
  5. A London newspaper calls you and asks you to write chapters 118 through 130 of The Count of Monte Cristo. What would happen next in your extended ending?
  6. You are a big Hollywood filmmaker, and your mission is to create a new film version of The Count of Monte Cristo. However, the film has to be no longer than two hours long. What would you cut out of the story and what would you keep in order to tell your version of The Count?
  7. Who are the happiest characters at the end of this novel? Why are they happy?
  8. How did the experience of living in prison affect the Count?
  9. Is "family" an important concept in The Count of Monte Cristo?
  10. Do you ever disagree with what the Count does?
  11. Should the Count and Mercédès have tried to renew their love at the end of the novel?
  12. Do you feel hopeful upon reading the last words of this story?