Crash John "Crash" Coogan Quotes

"Who're you tricking?" I said. "That's no house. That's a garage."

He looked at the place, looked at me. "No, I'm not tricking you. We live there." (2.22-2.23)

We think it's deeply uncool when Crash tries to make Penn feel ashamed of his family's finances. But not to worry: Penn doesn't care what anyone thinks. He's cool like that.

"So where's the rest?"

[…] "The rest of what?"

"Your toys."

He pointed to the wagon. "There it is."

"I mean the rest." I looked under his bed. I nosed into the closet. "Dump trucks. Fire engines. Cars. Cranes. Steam shovels. Batman. Spider-Man." (5.23-5.27)

Penn has one toy. One. Single. Toy. Crash has approximately all the toys. Who do you think appreciates his stuff more?

"So," I said, "are you poor?"


"No," said the father, "we're not poor at all. In fact, I would say in a lot of ways we're rich." (6.40-6.44)

Nice speech, Mr. Webb. What is his message about material things here? And in what ways is the Webb family rich?