Crash Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Abby raised her arms and swung around with a grin as big as a hoagie roll. "We all ate a meal together!"

I headed off. The living room was getting dark. I twirled my finger. "Whoopee. Just like a real family." (13.74-13.75)

Abby's excitement over a simple family dinner suggests that it doesn't happen in the Coogan household very often. What do you make of Crash's reaction?

Quote #5

Sometimes I wish we could turn the day upside down so that their main time at home would be in the morning, before they get all worn out. I'll tell you, at the end of the day it doesn't take much to crush a parent. (17.9)

It sounds like Mr. and Mrs. Coogan don't have much energy left by the time they get home to their kids. You can almost hear the disappointment in Crash's words. Can you relate? Now, take a minute to flip the script. What do you suppose this moment is like from his parents' point of view?

Quote #6

A couple weeks ago we got an assignment: Write an essay about someone you know. Tell what that person means to you.

I wrote about Scooter. Not about the stroke and the rehab and all, just the good stuff. (39.2-39.3)

Why do you think that Crash chooses to focus on the "good stuff"? Are there any other characters in the novel who choose that tactic in life? Do you think that's a good strategy? Why or why not?