Crash Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Well, with Scooter home now—" She squeezed my shoulder, stared into my eyes. "Now really, would you rather have my money or my time?"

"Your money." (45.7-45.8)

It's totally unclear if Crash is joking with his mother here, by the way. What do you think? Does he mean it about the money? In any case, he seems to appreciate having her at home…eventually.

Quote #8

The thought came to me: they would have liked each other, Scooter and Henry Wilhide Webb III. Two storytellers. (46.8)

This thought about how his grandfather and Penn's great-grandfather would have been friends is the seed of Crash's friendship with Penn. Even after Scooter becomes ill, he's still guiding Crash.

Quote #9

"He wasn't home very much in those days, so when I did see him, I looked and looked at him until he was locked into my mind's eye." (48.15)

We learn that Scooter was away at sea for much of Mrs. Coogan's childhood. How does she seem to feel about that situation? Explain your answer.