How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Feed Chatter #.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"You broke off a... a thing," said Marty. "You broke off a f***in' thing."
"A caster," I said.
"Caster," said Link, pointing at my nose. "Good one."
You know your break sucks when the most brag part of the night is you coming up with the word "caster." (5.20-23)
"Thing" becomes a catch-all term for pretty much any object the speaker is talking about. Titus shows that he may be just a micrometer above the rest of his friends with his ability to supply "caster." (Actually, it's pretty impressive: we had to look that up in our English-to-English wordbook.)
Quote #5
"She's like, whoa, she's like so stressed out. This is... Dude," he said. "Dude, this is some way bad s***." (13.7)
Check out how even Titus's high-powered and profesh dad uses debased, slangy language. Are there any differences between Titus's language use and his dad's?
Quote #6
"It's like..." I said. "It's like a squid in love with the sky."
She rubbed my head, and she went, "You're the only one of them that uses metaphor." (15.9-10)
Violet's eyes get all starry here, when Titus shows that he has marginally more ability to put words together than his friends. We get it. She's not the first person to make bad romantic decisions based on the way someone puts words together. Ahem.