How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Feed Chatter #.Paragraph)
Quote #10
We're sorry, Violet Durn. Unfortunately FeedTech and other investors reviewed your purchasing history, and we don't feel that you would be a reliable investment at this time. No one could get what we call a "handle" on your shopping habits, like for example you asking for information about all those wow and brag products and then never buying anything. We have to inform you that our corporate investors were like, "What's doing with this?" Sorry—I'm afraid you'll just have to work with your feed the way it is. (49.17)
Oops. Violet's attempt to remain invisible to the feed and to mess up their profiles of her comes back to bite her in a big way here, when FeedTech refuses to repair her feed. This is the ultimate in control: the power of life and death over someone.