How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Feed Chatter #.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Smell Factor wasn't listening to anything. He had some crappy kids' music show blasting in his feed so loud his aud nerves were probably shot.
[. . .]
"Intercrural or oral! Ain't a question of moral!" (27.3,47)
So, here's what passes for a "kids'" show in this near-future America: Smell Factor's children's programming is telling him that either one of these sexual activities is just A-OK. We're not necessarily objecting to the message, but we feel pretty comfortable objecting to that message being broadcast on children's programming.
Quote #8
"... which is why I ask it. Consider: The United States has been instrumental in the overthrow of truly genocidal dictatorships. We dole out billions of dollars each year in foreign aid. We support failing economies. We give harbor to many who seek our shores. We are trying to do what is right. We are trying to do what is—" (FeedChatter11.4)
Okay, true: the U.S. has helped overthrow dictatorships. But did they do it out of the goodness of their heart… or because they like to bully their way into getting what they want, like new populations to create their consumer goods?
Quote #9
... the poor sales of the Ford Laputa in the Latin American market can't be explained by... (38.17)
It sounds like someone needs a Spanish-to-English wordbook: of course this car wouldn't sell very well in Latin America, since "puta" is the Spanish word for "whore." American ignorance and arrogance strikes again.