Flora and Ulysses Chapter 21 Summary


  • At the sight of a squirrel writing poetry, Tootie faints and hits her head; luckily Flora remembers a bag of frozen peas can double as a cold compress in a pinch like this. 
  • William asks Flora to read the poetry aloud one more time. It's pretty and all, but he doesn't get the last line about hunger. What is the little guy hungry for?
  • Flora points out that it's not part of the poetry; Ulysses has a rumbling tummy because he didn't eat breakfast. 
  • Even though William thinks the poetry is half-baked, Flora is proud of her little squirrel. She remembers the line over Alfred T. Slipper's head in her Incandesto! comic: "Do you doubt him? Do not." 
  • She asks William the same thing about Ulysses, and he reports that he does doubt a squirrel since he's a rodent and all, to which Flora simply answers: "'Do not.'" 
  • Then Flora wants William to take his glasses off, but he won't budge. He's temporarily blind, remember? 
  • Just then, it occurs to Flora. All superheroes have a nemesis, so what if William is Ulysses's? Dun dun dun… 
  • Before she can think about this for too long, though, she hears her mom calling her, so she runs off. 
  • As she's leaving, William asks her if he'll see her again, and she tells him the universe is random, so maybe. Who knows?