Flora and Ulysses Chapter 57 Summary

Tootie to the Rescue

  • At 2:20AM, it's hard to ask someone for help, but Flora figures she can trust William, so she heads over to his place in a dark. 
  • On the way, she grabs Mary Ann, a.k.a. her mom's lamp. 
  • She also knows can count on Tootie being annoyed if she's woken up at this hour by a knock at the door, so instead Flora decides to stand outside William's window and yell his name (because being woken up by someone yelling outside your house is way better than a knock on the door).
  • Finally William comes to the window, and Flora is relieved, but then she realizes she's asking a temporarily blind kid for help on a rescue mission of a superhero squirrel. 
  • William agrees to help, but first he's got to get his bathrobe. Sure, because that's what you do when a life's in danger. 
  • Even though Flora doesn't want to hear it, William tells her that they all live in their heads, just like the squirrel—they are the universe.
  • With all this commotion, Tootie wakes up, comes to the window, and asks what's going on. 
  • When Flora explains that her mom kidnapped her squirrel, Tootie asks her why she's holding her mom's lamp. 
  • Put simply, she's holding her mom's baby hostage while her mom holds her baby. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but hey, these are desperate times. 
  • Tootie agrees to tag along and help.