Flora and Ulysses Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Flora and Ulysses.

The Supernatural Quotes

Something strange had happened to the squirrel's brain. Things had gone blank, black. And then, into this black blankness, there came a light so beautiful, so bright, that the squirrel had to turn...

Love Quotes

"Listen to me," the girl said. "My name is Flora. Your name is Ulysses." Okay, thought the squirrel. She put her hand on him. She picked him up. She cradled him in her left arm. (9.8)

Language and Communication Quotes

At the beginning of summer, in a moment of weakness, Flora had made the mistake of signing a contract that said she would "work to turn her face away from the idiotic high jinks of comics and towar...

Isolation Quotes

She changed into her pajamas, lay down, and imagined the words A SUPERHERO SQUIRREL RESTED AT HER FEET, AND SO SHE WAS NOT LONELY AT ALL emblazoned on the ceiling above her. (12.3)

Courage Quotes

There had, truthfully, been a lot of incidents with humans (some involving BB guns, some not), and all of them had been violent, terrifying, and soul-destroying. But this was a new life! And he was...

Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

Flora's mother had often accused Flora of being a "natural-born cynic." Flora suspected that this was true. (1.10)

Good vs. Evil Quotes

"This malfeasance must be stopped" was what the unassuming janitor Alfred T. Slipper always said before he was transformed into the amazing Incandesto and became a towering, crime-fighting pillar o...

Truth Quotes

Where was Incandesto when you needed him? Not that Flora really believed in superheroes. But still. (1.34)