Flora and Ulysses Theme of Isolation

Let's face it: Flora's only companions at the beginning of the book can be found in her comics. She doesn't have many friends or hobbies at all, and even her mom thinks she's a weirdo. Enter Ulysses. He might not help out with her mom, but he sure does provide her with the company that she needs. In fact, she even opens up to William and her dad once Ulysses is in her life.

Flora and Ulysses shows us both sides of the coin. First we see what it's like for Flora to be isolated, but then the script gets flipped and shows us how much better life is with friends. It looks like this is one thing her mom was right about.

Questions About Isolation

  1. Why does Flora protest when her mom claims she wants her to have friends? To Flora, what's so bad about this statement? 
  2. Is it true that Flora is isolated before we get to know her? Is this a bad thing?
  3. How is William's isolation different from Flora's? How might it relate to his temporary blindness?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Even though Flora doesn't have any real friends in the beginning of the book, this is a choice she makes.

Flora is isolated because her parents shut her out and she isn't like any of the kids her age.