Flora and Ulysses Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Is Ulysses really a superhero? How did he become a superhero? What are his superhero powers? Who or what is he fighting? 
  2. Why is it important that Flora is a "natural born cynic"? Do you think she really is one? Why or why not?
  3. Flora's mom wants her to be "normal" and have more friends. Is she right? Does Flora need to stop talking to squirrels and reading superhero books?
  4. What's the deal with Flora always thinking the worst has happened? Are her experiences in the book normal, or is she right that bad things keep happening all around her? 
  5. Who is Ulysses's nemesis? Flora makes a case for William or her mom being his arch-enemy, so who is it? By the end of the book, is that person still his enemy? 
  6. Did the comics in the book change the way you thought about the story or the characters? How would the book have been different if it was all in words (instead of with some pictures)?
  7. Have you ever felt like an outsider with your friends or family? Can you relate to how Flora feels about her parents?