Inside Out & Back Again Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #4

Brother Quang says,
One cannot justify war
Unless each side
Flaunts its own
Blind conviction.

It’s the slimmest of silver linings, but at least war prompts people to do some good, hard, philosophical thinking.

Quote #5

Every spring
President Thieu
holds a long long long
ceremony to comfort
war wives. (1.16.1)

This gesture is as small as the president's ceremony is long, and while the food they receive is enough to get Hà's mother to show up, it's not enough to inspire her to say thank you for.

Quote #6

A siren screams
over Miss Xinh's voice
School's now closed;
Everyone must go home
a month too soon. (1.18.1)

This takes snow day to a whole new level—and, no, Hà is not happy about it. You wouldn't be either if it meant going to school had simply become too dangerous.