Inside Out & Back Again Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #7

In the distance
bombs explode like thunder
lighten the sky,
falls like rain. (1.24.2)

We cannot imagine how terrifying it would be to live so close to a battle and wonder if it will land on your house/family/life, but the way Hà describes it is oddly beautiful, as natural as the weather.

Quote #8

Bodies cram
every centimeter
below deck,
then every centimeter
on deck. (1.32.3)

This image shows us how desperate and afraid the people of Saigon are at this point in the war. They've been living just fine for a long time while the war was going on, but once it moved into their space, they feel trapped and desperately want to escape the impending danger.

Quote #9

Mother hugs me,
hearts drumming
as one.

If the Communists
catch us fleeing
it's a million times worse
than staying at home. (2.8.2)

Our hearts are beating with you, Hà. This whole waiting-to-see-if-you-get-caught business is majorly stressful. Ugh.