- There are rumors about Annabel and Owen floating around the halls of their high school, but she doesn't really care.
- Every day at lunch they sit together, Annabel shares her lunch with Owen, and they argue about different topics—like music.
- Owen tells Annabel about how after his parents divorced, he got really into music and also had a harder time with his anger. She learns more and more about him as the days go by—and that he was serious about being honest. He always tells the truth.
- He also gives her ten CDs of different genres that he makes for her, including one that's titled "Just Listen" (book title alert).
- For the long weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Greene are going to be in Charleston on vacation while Mr. Greene is at an architecture conference.
- Mrs. Greene keeps fretting because she hasn't really left Whitney alone at home since she got sick.
- Whitney complains about this new therapy group that she's in with a lady named Moira Bell—her techniques are weird and she wants Whitney to plant a garden for some reason.
- Finally their parents leave after giving them money for take-out. Nom nom nom.
- That afternoon Annabel heads over to the mall for a rehearsal meeting about the upcoming Lakeview Mall Fall Fashion Show.
- As she's walking, she notices that a pop singer, Jenny Reef, is performing at the mall. She runs into Mallory, who is thrilled to see her.
- When Annabel gets home, Whitney is grumpily planting herbs in some flowerpots out front.
- Kristen calls and tells Annabel about how she made a five-minute film for her filmmaking class, and that it was chosen to be one of the two that will be shown at showcase night.
- Annabel asks her what the film is about, and Kristen says that it's about her and Whitney. It's a fictional representation of the time that Whitney broke her arm on Annabel's ninth birthday.