How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I had no idea how anyone would describe me, or what would come to mind at the sound of my name. I was just Annabel. (1.73)
Annabel doesn't really know what her place is in life. She's the youngest (and sometimes overlooked) kid in her family, and she doesn't even have a friend group to define herself at school anymore. What's a girl to do?
Quote #2
"You could take classes and still model," my mother said. "It doesn't have to be an either/or situation."
"Yes it does," Kristen replied. "For me, it does." (3.140-141)
Kristen is the first girl in their family to assert her independence and declare that she doesn't want to stay in the family business of modeling anymore. Good for her, right?
Quote #3
"Because, really, you've never done anything without me. From the day we met, I'm the one who's gotten all the guys, found out about all the parties. Before you met me, you were just sitting around passing tissues to Ca-larke Rebbolds." (6.35)
Well, that's rude—Sophie sees Annabel as just an extension of herself, as a hanger-on rather than a fully realized person. Maybe that's why Annabel is so afraid to lose Sophie.