Little Brother Marcus Yallow Quotes

[Marcus to Van] "Either you succeed or I ­­ or it's the end of Marcus Yallow. Maybe I'll get a new identity, but I don't think so. I think they'll catch me. I guess I've known all along that they'd catch me, some day." (20.140)

Marcus might just do what lots of people did after the Bay Bridge blew up: walk away with a new identity. Or get caught.

Marcus Yallow

Quote 5

"Am I under arrest?" I repeated. They can't make you answer any questions if you're not under arrest, and when you ask if you're under arrest, they have to answer you. It's the rules.
"You're being detained by the Department of Homeland Security," the woman snapped. (3.104-105)

Marcus knows his rights, but DHS is different than normal police. At this point, the rules that Marcus thinks will give him more information just make things less clear.

Marcus Yallow

Quote 6

"I want us to fight back," I said. "I want to stay free so that I can do that. If we go out there and blab, they're just say that we're kids, making it up. We don't even know where we were held! No one will believe us." (5.48)

Marcus's will to try and change the system leads to Xnet, jamming, and a whole movement. It just takes one to start something big.