Pedro Páramo Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She's the one who rolls up a bundle in her rebozo and sings to it, and calls it her baby. It must be that something terrible happened to her a long while ago, but since she never talks, no one knows what it was. She lives on handouts." (37.26)

This description of Dorotea as a living person shows how the town perceived her, and just how nutso she seemed at the time. Poor Doratea. We feel bad for her.

Quote #5

"Will she have to stay in purgatory if they don't say those masses? Who are they to mete out justice, Justina? You think I'm crazy? That's fine." (41.13)

Because Susana refuses to go along with convention and believe that her mother has been condemned because they cannot afford to pay for the proper church ceremonies, Justina calls her crazy.

Quote #6

"Pedro Páramo's last wife. Some say she was crazy. Some say not. The truth is that she talked to herself even when she was alive." (42.6)

Susana is a controversial figure because it's unclear whether she's insane or willfully living outside of society's expectations of her and just appearing to be crazy.